Apl.de.ap Foundation (1)The Apl.de.ap foundation with Red Ribbon Bakeshop has come up with a dance craze to promote the Apl.de.ap Foundation ‘s ‘Macaroons for a cause’. Apl.de.ap being the singer and dancer he is, can’t possibly go about not making a song or dance for his cause right? Ofcourse not! So here is a ‘dance craze’ made to promote exactly that.


They are simply calling this the Macaroon Dance , but before you go on watching the videos, you might want to check out what it’s all about in the first place. You can go here https://highgearfullthrottle.com/apl-de-ap-foundation-help/ for more information and how you can help out.


And this one is just an info-graphic.


Surely has a lot of revisions huh? Well the first one i posted is basically just the dance. The tune is catchy at first, but after hearing it over and over it get’s annoying… But hey that’s just me. Again for more information just click on this link. https://highgearfullthrottle.com/apl-de-ap-foundation-help/

Apl.de.ap Foundation (1) Red Ribbon Bakeshop Philippines Apl.de.ap Foundation (1)